Aims and Scope

The idea of the WAAD book came from the meeting of WAAD held on Sunday the 12th of December 2021. The WAAD book project is to actively engage WAAD members in collegiate scholarly work beyond publishing articles and a forum for bonding and teamwork. We are aware that WAAD has a journal that publishes articles once every year, with members participating in the publication. This book project will harness the potential members interested in writing a book or participating in one as co-authors but are not provided with the opportunity. The title of the book “Living in the 21st Century World: Perspective on Climate Change, Pandemic, and Digital Transformation” signals a new direction for WAAD and its leadership. 

The 20th century produced the industrial revolution that propelled globally through the steam engine that increase global warming. It also produced the 1918 Spanish flu that devastated much of the world. The 20th century ended with the birth of the internet, signaling the start of the 4th industrial revelation. 

The 21st century has, at the beginning of the third decade, witnessed an exponential rise in the possibilities of digital technology through digital transformation, the threat to global peace and stability through the frightening projections of climate change, and a pandemic (Coronavirus pandemic) that has held the world captive for two years. What are the lessons from the history of the last century? What comparison can we make? and what’s the way forward for mankind?
WAAD book seeks to provide insight into these questions and more.

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