* = Required Information
Part A: Describe the manuscript with just a sentence or two under items 1-9 below.
Part B: Rate the manuscript by checking an X: Strongly Agree (SA) or Strongly Disagree (SD).
Part C: Recommend the manuscript
Part D: Additional comments or suggestions to be sent to the Author(s)
Note1: You are encouraged to insert track changes comments directly on the manuscript to clearly communicate your feedback to the author.
Note2: Please return the completed reviewer form and the actual paper reviewed with comments back to: journal@wafad.org
Part A - Overview of the Manuscript
Manuscript Overview YOUR ANSWERS
What is the primary focus or topic of the manuscript? (E.g., leadership, science, technology, engineering, math, etc.)
What is the primary objective of the manuscript? (E.g., "to evaluate the theory of. . .", "to review the literature on. . .", "to explore the relationship between. . .", "to assess the current environment of. . .", etc)
What is the target audience of the manuscript? (E.g., top executives, leaders, managers, educational institutions, policy makers, a general audience of business practitioners, professors, etc.)
What method was used to reach the manuscript's objective? (E.g., qualitative, quantitative, mixed method, structural equation method (SEM), observational, case study, survey, etc)
What data collection was used to analyze the manuscript's objective? (E.g., interviews, questionnaires, survey, review of literature, analysis of secondary data, historical records, etc.)
Article classification: Categorize the paper under one of these classifications: (Research paper, Viewpoint, Technical paper, Conceptual paper, Case study, Literature review, General review, others).
What conclusion was ultimately drawn in the manuscript?
The major strengths of the manuscript are...
The major weaknesses of the manuscript are...
Part B - Rate the Manuscript
Click the button next to each factor to rate the manuscript with an X for (N/A, Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree, and Strongly Agree) with the statement. If a factor is not applicable, then click N/A in the button. You may add comments to justify your answer or modify the measure.
Rate the Manuscript N/A Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
1. The objectives of the manuscript were clear
2. The manuscript topic is important.
3. The manuscript should be of interest to a large audience.
4. The literature review was thorough given the objectives.
5. References were complete and were appropriate.
6. The methodology was appropriate for the conclusions drawn.
7. The analysis was done correctly.
8. The results of analysis were correctly interpreted and/or conclusions were sound.
9. Tables and figures were appropriate and adequate.
10. Formatting and structure was appropriate.
11. Writing was clear and concise.
12. The manuscript was relatively free of issues of grammar, punctuation, and such.
Part C - Recommended Disposition of the Manuscript (click one)
Recommend the Manuscript Click to mark YOUR ANSWER
Do not accept for publication. Ask for major revisions and allow to again be reviewed if re-submitted. Ask for revisions and continue with a second review. Accept with minor revisions. Accept as written with no need for any revisions.
Part D - Additional Comments or Suggestions to be sent to the Author(s)
Additional Comments Add Your Comments Here
Comment 1
Comment 2
Peer Reviewed Date: